The GWD needs to be a place where players invest a lot of their time and money in to build their character’s power; not where players can farm gold. Before the God Wars Dungeon for old school runescape, all bosses in 2007 are profitable and viable for a PvMer to make some money and have a decent challenge. However, the most important reason that makes it enjoyable is that the old school runescape GWD is working for power, rather than buying it. So the strongest gear should have to be earned by costing you lots of energy as well as buying old school runescape gold online cheapest, which means a much severer challenge to osrs players.

Small tips to help you enjoy in the osrs GWD:
Fighter Torso requires quite a bit of time to earn.
Full Void requires a ton of time at Pest Control to earn.
Barrows Gloves requires a ton of questing, skills, and time to earn – same goes for mithril gloves, etc. for pures.
Ancient & Lunar Magics require a lot of skills, quests, bosses, and time to earn.
Rune defender requires a good amount of time in the Warriors’ Guild to earn.
Fire Cape requires a pretty tough fight and an average of 2 hours of straight combat testing your skills to earn.
As to increase the number of old school runescape players on the game, someone holds that more pvm to the game would really help boost the numbers. Just get more players and teams together to participate in the dungeon. It’d be really sweet seeing all different types of account-builds bossing in the dungeon in hopes of obtaining powerful equipment. Only in this way, can you be the super hero in the dungeon, and the game can be more interesting for old school players.