Giving cards visibility in FIFA ultimate team is helpful in trading for cheap FIFA 15 coins. Say if you have a store, most of time it would stay open. You will get more chances to sell if you open it for longer. It is just the same with FIFA ultimate team. You will earn more FIFA 15 coins if you have more availability.
When most FIFA ultimate team gamers are looking for cards, they didn’t go beyond 60th minute page. Since you will intend to become an excellent trader, what you should do is giving the cards bigger visibility. You will sell more cards if there are more people seeing them. To do this you’d better have the cards available during higher time between 1st hour auctions.
Just as it looks like to be obvious, you only have to list the cards with preset duration, an hour, and then resell them when auction duration expires. What is better, reselling them when there isn’t any bidder and immediately switching to the others as soon as it was sold if it did happen before 60th minute. It is apparently the perfect situation. Once you could do this, you will be rich of FIFA coins in the moment.
However, there is hardly a person could have sufficient availability to renew auctions each hour in a whole day. It is something what always should be done it is possible. When it is impossible, you’d better define this duration due to those times you will be away. When you are to sleep, for example, set this auction to six hours. Doing this you will make these cards to be available for a longer amount of time in market and you will be able to renew after you waking up next day.
These are basically 2 gold rules about definition of auction duration: give cards visibility via setting auctions with 1 hour duration and keep always selling. However, there are also exceptions for the rules. For example, imagine that you are to be away for six hours. Normal situation should be setting six-hour duration for the auction. But once you find the last hr of auction would be within the period of small traffic, it might be better to choose the 1 hr duration to gain more visibility. One of the other examples is the occurrence of programmed interruptions in market access. Once your cards will expire in interruption period, you’d better change auction duration to ensure it won’t happen. Listing the card 3 times in the row with 1 hr duration to increase the selling probabilities with about 60% than listing to just 3-hour auction and earn more FIFA coins.
Using trading methods is also important in FIFA ultimate team trading. Once you are willing to increase the FIFA coins profit more, you’d better apply trading methods. It is a good method to know this FIFA ultimate team market with deeper ways. Use them altogether or separately to make as many FIFA coins as you can.