Categories Runescape 2007

Watch Streams Can Win Prizes!

Hosted by The RuneScape Video Team


We’ve some top guest streams lined up for you this weekend on our Twitch channelthanks to RSMurderer and Sabre Six.

Friday 21st March 9pm (GMT):

Sabre Six is representing Old School, has a penchant for hats, Slayer and clues. Tonight Sabre Six will also be giving prizes to Fight Pit winners and if you can find her in the Wilderness, you could be teleporting back to Lumbridge with a free 30 days of membership.

Saturday 22nd March 9pm (GMT):

RSMurderer’s a RuneScape veteran of ten years, so while you’re penguin hunting, heisting and bossing with him, why not test his knowledge? He’ll be looking to test your knowledge too, and we’re giving out RuneCoins, membership and XP lamps for quickest and cleverest viewers!


Find out the latest streaming news including full details on how to win prizes by checking out the RuneScape on Twitch thread.

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